
You may have wondered where the name adi&bert comes from in my blog and Instagram name. Wonder no more, as it’s a blend of names, my mom’s – Addy, who was a hairdresser and milliner and my dad’s – Albert, who was musical and somewhat of a romantic at heart.

Hello there!

From a creative at heart who likes to try anything art-wise, playing and exploring and learning new techniques with materials and media.

After I found an outlet for my creativity, a bonus was discovering that my wellbeing improved immensely during some difficult times. I started building up quite a few works and creations. Weekend crafting lead to an intentional practice of making and then running a market stall and the need to set up a blog. Running a craft stall certainly made me appreciate the value and energy that artists put into their work and how they need to have some business and technical skills as well.

On Instagram I started using my blog to help promote the work of artists and makers who were developing their businesses. I collaborated with talented artists by running competitions on their behalf on Instagram, using various ‘series’ hashtags like #thebotanicalseries, #theperfectlyimperfectseries #theteacupseries. It also helped encourage those taking part in the ‘series’ themes to be creative in their own styling and photography. The tag #thebotanicalseries now has over 80K posts and its own account, @thebotanicalcurator.

I often do the 100 days project as a way to learn new skills and also joined friends I met on Instagram, to join or lead little art tutorials, teaching each other and exploring together.

This is my invitation to you to take up an artistic hobby. By exploring your creative pursuits, you just may be massively surprised at what you can do. There are also so many new incidental skills you can pick up along the way. I found that my foray into using social media and a blog, helped my communication skills in my day job too. So come on join in and play and learn something new!

See my article published In her Studio Summer 2020 on my 100 days project.