100 days project … what I learnt, and a little giveaway

I recently completed the hundred days project Scotland 2023. Whenever I do this project, I try to do something different. Now, I know I took the easy route and made my theme ‘what will be will be.’ The advantage of this is that it gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted to do, including portrait sketch, paint, print and even write a poem.

What I learnt is this 

  1. Having an art practice every day, is difficult, but having a challenge to focus on, gives you permission and informs those around you that you have a good excuse to do art every day.
  2. Having a topic that included anything, gave me lots of scope to play.
  3. I found it difficult to create from my imagination, and had to draw a scene or object/s. 
  4. Trying to abstract my drawn objects, was really difficult, I’m so literal in my approach. How could I loosen up more?
  5. When you draw in public people seem to think they can look at what you’re doing (not sure how I feel about that?).
  6. When I didn’t get precious over something, it turned out better.
  7. I missed not being able to follow chronological posts to the 100 days hashtag feed (or any for that matter!), to interact more with others doing the challenge. (What’s that about, Instagram?)

Well, as you can imagine, I have quite a few pieces now, so am running a giveaway (with a few T’s and C’s).

I have selected some of the images that were the most popular to give away. These are on my feed with the post starting ‘100 days giveaway’ and 5 numbered pieces.

But here’s the thing.

I live at the bottom of the planet and postage costs have become pretty expensive. So what I suggest, is this.

I will post five images of 5 pieces on my Instagram feed that I am giving away and that I will mail. What I’d like from you in return, is the following:

  1. DM me the number of the image you would like and and your address. 
  2. In exchange, please indicate a charity to which you would like to pledge a donation. The amount to pledge is your choice.

These are the charities I would appreciate you contribute towards:

  1. International Committee of the Red Cross https://www.icrc.org/en
  2. Women for Women International https://www.womenforwomen.org
  3. Birdlife International https://www.birdlife.org/
  4. Save the Children https://www.savethechildren.org.au/ ( or your local site)

If I get a few queries for the same image, I will do a lucky draw to select the recipient.

Hope this sits well with you.

Have a great October and stay creative!
Claudia x

This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram.

Published by adiandbert

Late developer, searching for and sharing mindful, creative activities. Profile illustration by @anonymous_yota

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